Tournaments and Sports Technification


3x3 San Roque 2023 Tournament

On August 11-12-13 we organized the 3×3 basketball tournament in the festivities of San Roque, Portugalete. More than 14 mixed teams of children, cadet, junior and senior categories participated.

Bermeo Basket Cup 2024

On January 2-3-4 we organized the first edition of Bermeo Basket Cup. More than 13 teams from 9 different clubs from Euskadi and Cantabria participated in the cadet and junior male and female categories.

3x3 San Roque 2024 Tournament

This August we organized the second edition of the 3×3 basketball tournament in the festivities of San Roque, Portugalete by the hand of Oribeltza and Jarrilleros and Portu Kirolak clubs. We have the presence of more than 80 participants of cadet, junior and senior categories.


Football Techniques

Last January 27th and 28th we carried out our first soccer training sessions at Golazo FC club in Pune, India. The technifications seek to improve the technical and tactical skills of the players through the application of specific training methods.

Sports Technification

During our stay in the vibrant city of Seoul, we took the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a unique sporting experience. We embarked on a series of intensive specialised basketball and football trainings in collaboration with the renowned local teams ‘Sparrows Basketball’ and ‘KH Lions’.

These trainings not only provided us with invaluable insight into the techniques and tactics used by these elite teams, but also allowed us to immerse ourselves in the city’s sporting culture and establish meaningful connections with local athletes and coaches.
